Hippolyte Charles, but since she was to all intents and purposes a
nymphomaniac, Murat's version is not inherently implausible. At all
events she prevailed on Murat sufficiently that he sent a letter to
Napoleon, saying she could not travel as she was pregnant! Murat was
never wholly trusted by Napoleon once he learned the truth of this
unsavoury episode.
Meanwhile the ardent letters from Napoleon flooded in. Most of the
time Josephine did not even bother to open them. As far as she was
concerned, she enjoyed the social advantages of being General Bona
parte's wife but, in her own mind at least, the liaison was a pure marriage
of convenience. Lovers of dramatic irony may relish the following letter
which arrived while the affair with Charles was at its height. 'You know
very well I could never bear your taking a lover - much less seriously
suggest one to you ... A thousand kisses upon your eyes, your lips, your
tongue, your cunt.' Josephine took the correspondence as an elaborate
charade. The playwright Antoine Arnault remembered her reading from
one of Napoleon's letters which was full of jealous suspicion and ended:
'If it were true, fear Othello's dagger!' Josephine simply laughed and said
in her inimitable Creole accent: 'Qu 'if est drole, Bonaparte !' ('He's so
amusing. ')
Napoleon stayed in Milan until zr May, waiting for the peace with
Piedmont to be confirmed. But no sooner did he move east once more
against Beaulieu than Milan and Pavia rose in revolt. This was the worst
possible news, as it seemed to mean that every time Napoleon conquered
a territory in Italy, he would have to detach part of his army to hold it in
subjection. A stern lesson was called for. He invested Pavia and bloodily
retook the town, giving it over to sanguinary plunder by his troops as
punishment. His first draconian instinct - to put to death the entire 300-
strong garrison - was overcome only in favour of savage looting in
terrorem. After dealing with Pavia Napoleon won another victory - at
Borghetto- on 30 May, which involved his setting foot on the territories
of the Venetian Republic. But the message of Pavia had got though to the
burghers of Milan. When Napoleon turned back to besiege the city, the
Milanese sent envoys at once to tender their submission.
Napoleon next proceeded to the siege of Mantua, which opened on 4
June. Just before ret urning to Milan, Napoleon was at the village of
Vallejo and was nearly taken prisoner by an Austrian scouting party (r
June); he had to bolt over several garden walls wearing only one boot.
This taught Napoleon the lesson that he needed a bodyguard, and from
this incident date 'the Guides' - an elite corps or praetorian guard later to
be greatly expanded in numbers to form the Imperial Guard. But at least