Napoleon: A Biography

(Marcin) #1

1898). On the other hand, F. Charles-Roux, Les Origines de !'expedition
d'Egypte (Paris 1910 ) is a good summary of the 'rational' motives for the
Of the many offshoots and implications of Egypt in 1798-99 the
Tippoo Sahib issue is best followed in Joseph-Frans;ois Michaud, Histoire
de Mysore sous Hyder-Ali et Tippoo Sahib (Paris 1899); L.B. Bowring,
Haidar Ali and Tipu Sultan (1899) and the article by Saint-Yves, 'La
Chute de Tippo', Revue des Questions historiques (1910). For the life of
Desaix see A. Sauzet, Le Sultan juste (Paris 1954). This should be
supplemented with Desaix's own Journal de Voyage, ed. Chuquet (Paris
1907) There is a fascinating discussion of Desaix's adventures in Upper
Egypt in Alan Moorehead, The Blue Nile (1962). Kleber receives detailed
treatment in Lucas-Dubreton (1937) and G. Lecomte, Au chant de Ia
Marseillaise ... Merceau et Kleber (Paris 1929) His 'Carnets' were printed
in La Revue d'Egypte (1895). Pauline Foures's story is told in Leonce
Deschamp, Pauline Foures, Notre Dame de L 'Orient (Paris n.d.). For
another significant personality from Napoleon's Egyptian period see E.
d'Hauterive, Le General Alexandre Dumas (Paris 1897) and Andre
Maurois, Les trois Dumas (Paris 1957). For the aftermath consult Robert
Anderson & Ibrahim Fawzy, Egypt in 18 oo (1987).
For the naval side of 1798 there is Tom Pocock, Nelson (1988) and
Oliver Warner, The Battle of the Nile (1960). R. Cavaliero sums up Malta
usefully in The Last of the Crusaders: the Knights of StJohn and Malta in
the 18 th Century (1960) but the indispensable modern scholarly study is
Desmond Gregory, Malta, Britain and the European Powers, 179 3-18JS
(1996) For the wider context of the Egyptian adventure see Thomas
Pakenham, The Year of Liberty (1969); John Ehrman, The Younger Pitt:
The Consuming Struggle (1996) and Piers Mackesy, War without Victory:
the downfall of Pitt, 1799 -1802 (1984). For the Turkish side of things
consult W. Johnson & C. Bell, The Ottoman Empire and the Napoleonic
Wars (Leeds 1988) and S. Shaw, Between Old and New; the Ottoman
Empire under Sultan Selim III, 17 89-1807 (Cambridge, Mass. 1971).
On the wider cultural implications of the Egyptian adventure see Peter
Clayton, The Rediscovery of Egypt (1982); James S. Curl, The Egyptian
Revival (1982); Ibrahim Ghali, Vivant Denon, ou Ia conquete du bonheur
(Cairo 1986); Pierre Lelievre, Vivant Denon (Paris 1993); J.M. Humbert,
M. Pantazzi, C. Ziegler, eds, Egyptomania. Egypt in Western Art,
17 ]0-1 930 (Ottawa 1994).
There is a positive cascade of memoir literature relating to Egypt. R.N.
Desgenettes, Souvenirs d'un medecin de !'expedition d'Egypte (Paris 1893)
the memoirs of Napoleon's 'difficult' head of the medical corps - is

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