Napoleon: A Biography

(Marcin) #1

For the related subject of 'national property' see M. Marion, La Vente des
Biens nationaux pendant Ia Revolution (Paris 1908) and J.C. Perrot and S.J.
Woolf, State and Statistics in France IJ8g-I8IS (1984).


For tourist impressions of France during the peace years there is a
considerable literature, as fo r example: Henry Redhead Yorke, Paris et Ia
France sous le Consulat (Paris 1921); Bertie G. Greathead, An Englishman
in Paris, I80J (1953); Auguste Kotzebue, Souvenirs de Paris en 1804, 2
vols (Paris 1805); Mary Berry, Voyages de Miss Berry a Paris, 1782-1836,
traduits par Mme Ia Duchesse de Broglie (Paris 1905); Countess
Bessborough, Letters to Lord Gower, ed. Castalia Granville (1917); ].F.
Reichardt, Un hiver a Paris sous le Consulat (Paris 1896); Elizabeth Mavor,
The Grand Tours of Katherine Wilmot: France I8oi-oJ and Russia
18os-o7 (1992) John B. Trotter, Memoirs of the latter years of C.J. Fox
(1811); Dawson Warren, The Journal of a British Chaplain in Paris (1913).
An overview is provided in J.G. Alger, Napoleon's British Visitors and
Captives (1904).
The outbreak of war in 1803 has already been touched on in the
bibliography for Chapter Eleven. The titles mentioned there may be
supplemented by 0. Browning, England and Napoleon in I80J (1887);
H. C. Deutsch, The Genesis of Napoleonic Imperialism (Cambridge, Mass.
1938); P.W. Schroeder, 'Napoleon's foreign policy: a criminal enterprise',
Consortium on Revolutionary Europe Proceedings (1989). Pieter Geyl's
classic Napoleon: For and Against has the outbreak of war in 1803 as its
core theme. Not to be discounted is the anger Napoleon felt about his
scurrilous portrayal in the British press, a subject dealt with in: D.
George, English Political Caricatures (Oxford 1959) and F.J. McCunn,
The Contemporary English View of Napoleon (1914).
This is the place to add fu rther titles to the introductory volumes
already cited on Napoleon's siblings. So: M. Weiner, The Parvenue
Princesses: Elisa, Pauline and Caroline Bonaparte (1964); P. Marmottan,
Elisa Bonaparte (Paris 1898); ]. Turquan, Caroline Murat (Paris 1899); J.

Bertaut, Le Menage Murat (Paris 1958); M. Gobineau, Pauline Borghese,
soeur fidele (Paris 1958); B. Nabonne, La Venus imperiale (Paris 1963);
Paul Fleuriot de Langles, Elisa, soeur de Napoleon I (Paris 1947);
Bernadine Melchior Bonnet, Jerome Bonaparte ou l'envers de l'epopee
(Paris 1979); M.A. Fabre, Jerome Bonaparte, roi de Westphalie (Paris
1952); ]. Bertaut, Le Roi Jerome (Paris 1954); G. Girod de I' Ain, Joseph
Bonaparte, le roi malgre lui (Paris 1970); Owen Connolly, The Gentle

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