Napoleon: A Biography

(Marcin) #1

Kingdoms (N. Y. 1965); J. Godechot, La Grande Nation: L'Expansion
revolutionnaire de Ia France dans le monde de 1789 a 1799 (Paris 1983);
Charles J. Esdaile, The Wars of Napoleon (1995). For the individual
countries of the empire, in addition to works already cited, the following
should be consulted: S. Balau, La Belgique sous !'Empire (Paris 1894);
Henri Pirenne, Histoire de Ia Belgique, vol. 6 (Paris 1926); P. Verhaegen,
La Belgique sous Ia domination franraise, 5 vols (Paris 1929); Lanzac de
Laborie, La Domination franraise en Belgique, vol. 2 (Paris 1895); Simon
Schama, Patriots and Liberators: Revolution in the Netherlands 1780-1813
( 1977); J.M. Diefendorf, Businessmen and Politics in the Rhineland,
178<]-18]4 (Princeton 198o); A. Pisani, La Dalmatie de 1797 a 1815 (Paris
1893); M. Pivec-Stelle, La Vie economique des provinces illyriennes,
18og-1813 (Paris 1931); H. Bjelovic, The Ragusan Republic: Victim of
Napoleon and its own Conservatism (Leiden 1970); F.W. Carter, Dubrovnik
(Ragusa): a Classic City State (1972); J. Baeyens, Les Franrais a Gorton
(Paris 1973); J. Savant, Napoleon et les Crees (Paris 1945); Auguste Boppe,
L'Albanie et Napoleon (Paris 1914 ).
Italy really requires extensive coverage of its own. A. Fugier, Napoleon
et l'ltalie (Paris 1947); Jean Borel, Genes sous Napoleon (Paris 1929); J.
Rambaud, Naples sous Joseph Bonaparte, 1806-1808 (Paris 19rr); J. Davis
and P. Ginsborg, eds, Society and Politics in Italy in the Age of the
Risorgimento (Cambridge 1991); W.H. Flayhart, Counterpoint to Trafal­
gar: the Anglo-Russian Invasion of Naples, 1805-18o6 (Columbia, SC
19 92); D. Gregory, Sicily, the Insecure Base: a history of the British
Occupation of Sicily, 1806-1815 (Rutherford, NJ 1988); J.H. Roseli, Lord
William Bentinck and the British Occupation of Sicily, 18n-1814
(Cambridge 1956) and Lord William Bentinck: the Making of a Liberal
Imperialist, 1774-1839 (1974).
For the quarrel with the Pope see, additionally to the titles cited with
respect to the Concordat, Cleron Haussonville, L 'Eglise et le Premier
Empire (Paris 187o); H. Welschinger, Le Pape et l'Empereur (Paris 1905);
A. Latreilla, Napoleon et le Saint Siege, 18o1-18o8, l'Ambassade du
Cardinal Pesch a Rome (Paris 1935); V. Bindel, Histoire re!igieuse de
Napoleon (Paris 1942); Daniel Robert, Les Eglises reformees en France,
18oo-1830 (Paris 1961); Maurice Guerrini, Napoleon devant Dieu (Paris
19 6o); H. Aureas, Miollis (Paris 1960). For Napoleon and the Jews see F.
Pietri, Napoleon et les Israelites (Paris 1965); R. Anchel, Napoleon et les
Juifi (Paris 1928); S. Schwarzfuchs, Napoleon, the Jews and the Sanhedrin
(1979); F. Kobler, Napoleon and the Jews (NY 1976); Z. Szajkowski,
Agricultural Credit and Napoleon's Anti-Jewish Decrees (NY 1953); F.

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