Napoleon: A Biography

(Marcin) #1

pp.IOI-29; E.A. Arnold, 'Some observations on the French opposition to
Napoleonic conscription, I804-I8o6', French Historical Studies 4 (I966)
pp.453-62. On the behaviour of the Grand Army see J. Bertaud, The
Army of the French Revolution; from Citizen Soldiers to Instrument of Power
(Princeton I988); J. Bertaud, 'Napoleon's Officers', Past and Present I I2
(I986) PP·9I-III; J. Lynn, 'Towards an army of honour: the moral
evolution of the French army, I789-I8I5', French Historical Studies I6
(I989) pp.I52-I82.


Apart from Napoleon's Correspondance see the supplementary Lettres
inedites de Talleyrand a Bonaparte, ed. P. Bertrand (Paris I89I). Nearly all
the major participants in the I809 campaign left memoirs. See, of the
memorialists already cited, Eugene de Beauharnais, Jerome Bonaparte,
Massena, Marmont, MacDonald, Oudinot, Talleyrand and Metternich.
Additionally, there are the accounts by Jean Franr;ois Boulart, Memoires
militaires (Paris I892); Charles Louis Cadet de Gassicourt, Voyage en
Autriche (Paris I8I8); Jean Roch Coignet, Les Cahiers du capitaine Coignet,
I797-I8IS (Paris I883); Georges Chevillet, Ma vie militaire (Paris I906);
Comeau de Chavry, Souvenirs de guerres d'Allemagne (Paris I9oo);
Capitaine Gervais, A Ia conquete de !'Europe (Paris I939); Guillaume
Lorencez, Souvenirs militaires (Paris I902); Jean Baptiste Marbot,
Memoirs, 2 vols (I892); Denis Charles Parquin, Amours de coup de sabre
d'un chasseur a cheval: Souvenirs, I80J-I809 (Paris I9IO) (I812); Pierre
Franr;ois Percy, Journal des campagnes (Paris I 904); Franr;ois Pils, Journal
deMarche, I8o4-I8I4 (Paris I895); Jean Rap, Memoirs (I823); Theodore
Seruzier, Memoires militaires I7 69 -I8 23 (Paris I894).
On the vast secondary literature on the I 8o9 campaign, working back
from the most modern to the most dated, we find: Jean Tranie and
Carpigani, Napoleon et l'Autriche: Ia campagne de I8o9 (Paris I984); J.R.
Arnold, Crisis on the Danube: Napoleon's Austrian Campaign of I809
(I990); Marcel Dunan, Napoleon et l'Alle magne, le systeme continental et les
debuts du royaume de Baviere (Paris I942); W. de Fedorowicz, I809. La
Campagne de Pologne (Paris I950); Hubert Camon, La Manoeuvre de
Wagram (Paris I926); F.L. Petre, Napoleon and the Archduke Charles; a
History of the Franco-Austrian Campaign in the Valley of the Danube in
I8 09 (I909); G.G.L. Saski, La Campagne de I809, 3 vols (Paris I9oo); C.
de Renemont, Campagne de I809 (Paris I903); E. Gachot, Napoleon en
Allemagne (Paris I9I3); Edmond Bonnal, La Manoeuvre de Landshut

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