Napoleon: A Biography

(Marcin) #1

(Paris I909); Edmond Buat, De Ratisbon a Znaim (Paris 1909); c. Ferry,
La marche sur Vienne (Paris 1909).
German nationalism and its upsurge is a well-trawled subject: W.C.
Langsam, The Napoleonic Wars and German Nationalism in Austria (N.Y.
1930); ]. Droz, Le Romantisme allemand et l'Etat (Paris 1966); S. Musulin,
Vienna in the age of Metternich: from Napoleon to Revolution, 18os-1848
(1975); S. Winters & ]. Held, eds, Intellectual and Social Developments in
the Hapsburg Empire from Maria Teresa to World War I (N.Y. 1975); J.R.
Seeley, Life and Times of Stein (r878); E.N. Anderson, Nationalism and
the Cultural Crisis in Prussia, I8o6-I8IS (N.Y. 1939); G.S. Ford, Stein
and the Era of Reform in Prussia, 1807-I8IS (Princeton 1922); W.M.
Simon, The Failure of the Prussian Reform Movement, 1807-I8I9 (N.Y.
1971); M. Gray, Prussia in Transition; Society and Politics under the Stein
Reform Ministry of 1808 (Philadelphia 1986). The countervailing trends in
German society are analysed in R. Berdahl, The Politics of the Prussian
Nobility: the Development of a Conservative Ideology, 177D-1848 (Prince­
ton 1988); F.L. Carsten, A History of the Prussian Junkers (Aldershot
1989); C.E. White, The Enlightened Soldier: Scharnhorst and the Militari­
sche Gesellschaft in Berlin, I80I-S (N.Y. 1989); W. Shanahan, Prussian
Military Reforms, r786-r8r3 (N.Y. 1945); P. Paret, Yorck and the Era of
Prussian Reform, 1807-I8IS (Princeton 1966); G.A. Craig, The Politics of
the Prussian Army, 164D-1945 (Oxford 1955).
The British intervention in the war of r8o9 is exhaustively covered in
Gordon Bond, The Grand Expedition: the British Invasion of Holland in
1809 (Athens, Georgia r 979 ); Theo Fleischman, L 'expedition anglaise sur
le Continent en 1809 (Paris 1973); A. Fischer, Napoleon et Anvers (Paris
1933); C. Hall, British Strategy in the Napoleonic Wars, I8oJ-IS
(Manchester 1992);]. Sherwig, Guineas and Gunpowder: British Foreign
Aid in the Wars with France, I79J-I8IS (Cambridge, Mass. 1969).
The Tyrolean revolt is traced in F.G. Eyck, Loyal Rebels: Andreas
Hofer and the Tyrolean Revolt of 1809 (NY r986) and C. Clair, Andre
Hofer et !'insurrection du Tyrol en 1809 (Paris r88o); Victor Derrecagaix,
Nos campagnes au Tyrol (Paris 1910 ). The indispensable book for
Frederick Staps is Jean Tulard, Napoleon. 12 Octobre 1809 (Paris 1994).
See also E. Gachot, 'Un regicide allemand, Frederic Staps', Revue des
etudes napoteoniennes (1922) pp.rSr-203.


Fundamental are the memOirs of the French marshals already cited:
Soult, Massena, Moncey, Marmont, Suchet. Spanish monographic

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