Napoleon: A Biography

(Marcin) #1

Webster, The Foreign Policy of Castlereagh, I8I2-I8IS (I93I); M.
Chamberlain, Lord Aberdeen: a Political Biography (I983); Antoine
d'Arjuzon, Castlereagh (Paris I995); G. Bertier de Sauvigny, Metternich
(Paris I986); Wendy Hinde, Castlereagh (I98I); Philip Ziegler, The
Duchess of Dino (I962); F.D. Scott, Bernadotte and the Fall of Napoleon
(Cambridge, Mass. I935); L. Pingaud, Bernadotte, Napoleon et les
Bourbons (Paris I90I); Gregor Dallas, IBis: The Roads to Waterloo (I996);
Evelyne Lever, Louis XVIII (Paris I988); Philip Mansel, The Court of
France, IJ8')-I8Jo (Cambridge I988). See also numerous articles on the
subject, especially P. Schroeder, 'An unnatural "natural alliance":
Castlereagh, Metternich and Aberdeen in I8I3', International History
Review IO (I988) pp.522-40; F.D. Scott, 'Bernadotte and the Throne of
France, I8I4', Journal of Modern History 5 (I933) pp.465-78; Philip
Mansel, 'Wellington and the French Restoration', International History
Review I I (I989) pp.76-83; Katherine MacDonagh, 'A Sympathetic Ear:
Napoleon, Elba and the British', History Today (February I994)
The period at Fontainebleau comes alive in L. Madelin, ed., Lettres
inedites de Napoleon a Marie-Louise (Paris I96o) and Palmastierna, ed.,
Lettres de Marie-Louise a Napoleon (Paris I955), which can be supple­
mented by Baron C.F. Meneval, Napoleon et Marie-Louise: souvenirs
historiques (Paris I845), Frederic Masson ed., Private Diaries of Marie­
Louise (I922) and J.C. Hobhouse, The Substance of some Letters written
from Paris (I8I7). On the alleged suicide bid see P. Hillemand, 'Napoleon
a-t-il tente de se suicider a Fontainebleau?' Revue de l'Institut Napoleon
(I97I), who traces the matter to an accidental dose of opium. On the
possibility that there was an assassination bid, connected or unconnected
to the 'suicide' attempt, see Frederic Masson, L 'Affaire Maubreuil (Paris
I907) and M. Gasson, La tumulteuse existence de Maubreuil (Paris I954).
There is a wealth of material on the sojourn in Elba. Vital primary
sources, apart from the memoirs of Caulaincourt, include Eugene
d'Arnauld Vitrolles, Memoires de Vitrolles (Paris I95I); Andre Pons de
l'Herault, Souvenirs et anecdotes de l'fle d'Elbe (I897) and Viscount
Ebrington, Memorandum of two conversations ( I823). In this bracket, too,
should be classed Fernand Beaucour's monograph Une visite a Napoleon a
l'fle d'Elbe d'un membre du Parlement anglais (Paris I99o). Secondary
sources, where there is a clear correlation between degrees of excellence
and those most recently published, include: Fernand Beaucour, Napoleon
a l'fle d'Elbe (Paris I99I); Louise Laflandre-Linden, Napoleon et l'fle
d'Elbe (Paris I989) P. Bartel, Napoleon a l'tle d'Elbe (Paris I959); G.
Godlewski, Trois Cent }ours d'Exil (Paris I96I); Neil Campbell, Napoleon

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