Napoleon: A Biography

(Marcin) #1

abdications of Napoleon: (I8I4) 587, 588;
(I8I5) 629
Abercromby, General, I99
Abrantes, due, duchesse d', see ]unot
Addington, Henry (PM), 235, 264, 267,
268, 269
administrative elite, 476
Aix-la-Chapelle, Congress of (I8I8), 647,
Ajaccio (birthplace), I, 2, 4, 5, 6--7, 9, I2,
33, 39, 42, 58, 62, I48
N.'s last visit, 202
return of the Bonapartes, I34
revolutionary struggle involving
Bona partes, 5 I -3
sacking of the Bonapartes' house, 64
Albe, Bader d', 34
head of Topographical Office, 349, 497
Alexander I, Czar, I2, 276, 335-6, 339,
342, 343, 345, 350, 38I, 563, 4IO, 4I I,
422, 423, 432, 466, 489, 493, 50o-I,
575, 576, s85, 590, 599
agrees Treaty of Tilsit, 376--8o
animus with Louis XVIII, 603
British alliance, 336
campaigrr of I8I2, 504, 508, 509, 5IO,
5I6, 5I7, 5I9, 520, 542, 543
campaigrr in Germany (I8I3), 553,
duplicity, 495-7
entry into Paris (I8I4), 587
Erfurt conference, 40I-5, 494
free hand in Poland, 464, 59I
joins Third Coalition, 336--7
Prussian alliance (I8I3), 547, 55I
bubonic plague, I85
occupation by Napoleon (I798), I76--7,
I79, I96
surrender to British, I 99, 264
Alvinzi, Joseph, I24-5, I26, I28, I29, I45
Ambleteuse (invasion port), 32I, 322, 323
American war of I775-83, 26I

Amiens, peace of (I8oi), 235-6, 239, 264,
265, 266, 267, 268, 269
Ancona, 352
Anglesey, Lord, 623
Anglo-Russian alliance (I8o5), 336
Anne, Grand-Duchess of Russia, 464, 466
annexation policy, 489
anti-feminism in Code Napoleon, 256
antiworker stance, 255
Antommarchi, Dr Francesco, 284, 65o-I,
654, 655-6, 657, 66I
Antraigues, Emmanuel de Launay, Comte
d', I52, I55, I6o
Arcis-sur-Aube, engagement of I8I4, 584-5
Arcola, battle of (I796), I25-6, I45
Army, French
marshalate, creation of, 305-ro
policy of divide and rule, 306, 308
rewards system, 307
Army of Catalonia, 546
Army of the Elbe, 550, 552
Army of England invasion force, I 57, I 59
fa ilure of plans, I 59, I6o, I64-5, 287,
292, 32I-35
Army of Germany, 372
Army of Italy, 223, 305, 355, 4I7, 4I8,
4I9, 420, 500
achievements, I35
N. appointed commander-in-chief, 103
battles, I35
breakthrough at Lodi, II2-I3
counter-offensive by Austrians, I2I
defeat at Caldiero, I24-5
invasion of Austria, I3I
looting of Venice, I33, I47
loyalty to Napoleon, I53-4
occupation of Milan, I I3
post as senior gunner, 76-- 7, 78 routed
by Austrians, 92
victorious Italian campaigtr against
Austria (I796--7), I07-32, I35-47, I52
Army of Observation, 273
Army of Portugal, 456, 544, 545, 546
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