Napoleon: A Biography

(Marcin) #1

Army of the Pyrenees, JOS
Army of the Reserve, 227
Austrian campaign (18oo), 228
Army of the Rhine, 223, 305
ca�paign of 18oo, 22&-<), 234
Army of Saxony, S52
Army of the South, 546
Arnault, Antoine, II6, uS, ISS, 173

Arnott, Dr Archibald, 6s 4, 655, (^6) s6, 661
Artois, Comte d' (Charles X), 209, 6o2,
6o6, 6o7, 653, 66o
assassination attempts against Napoleon
royalist attempt ( 1 8oo ), 243
at Schiinbrunn (1809), 423
atrocities in Napoleonic Wars, 190
Auerstiidt, battle of, 357-8
Augereau, Marshal Pierre, 108--g, 1 19, 121,
122, 128, 129, 131, 138, 146, 147,
154-5, 156, 161, 210, 212, 217, 221,
243, 249, 307, 309, 310, 338, 3S6, 362,
367, 368, 447, soo, 569, s81, s84, 666
Duke of Castiglione, 312
Marshal of France, 305
plans for invasion of Ireland, 325
invasion of Bavaria (1809), 412
occupation of Naples (ISIS), 6II
reconquers most of Italy, 226
Third Coalition (18os ), 336
war with Allies on France (1813), 563,
Austrian campaigns, Napoleon's
campaign of 1796, 107-32; battle of
Lodi, II2-13; peace terms, 132, 151,
157; treaty dealings, 150, ISS, 156--7 ;
peace of Campo Formio, IS7
campaign of 18oo in Italy, 228-34;
crossing of St Bernard Pass, 229;
victory at Marengo, 231-2; treaty of
Luneville (18oi), 234, 236, 265
campaign of 18os, 338-46; battle of
Ulm, 340; battle of Austerlitz, 341-5;
peace of Pressburg, 345
campaign of 1809, 409, 4II-21; battle of
Eckmiihl, 413; surrender of Vienna,
414; battle of Aspen-Essling, 414-16;
crossing of Danube, 417-18; battle of
Wagram, 418-21, 424; Treaty of
Schiinbrunn, 423; Tyrol uprising, 422,
424, 443
Auxonne, Napoleon's military service with
La Fere regiment, 35-8, 4o--1
revolt of regiment, 37-8
Avignon, storming by Jacobins, 71
Babeuf, 'Gracchus', conspiracy, 151
execution, (^1) so
Bacciochi, Pasquale (brother-in-law),
marriage to Elisa Bonaparte, 273-4
Badajoz, siege of (1812), 545
Baden, Charles Louis, Prince of, 319
Napoleon's first defeat in open country,
Bagration, General (Prince), 343, 503, so8,
S09, 510, SII, 512, 516, 517
death at Borodino, 517
Bail en, battle of, 40 1
Balcombe, Betsy, 640
Balcombe, Jane, 640
Balcombe, William, 640
Balzac Honore de, 428, 6o6, 66o, 664
Barbe-Marbois, suspension as Minister of
Treasury, 3SI
Barcelona, 399
Barclay de Tolley, so3, 504, so 8, 509,
s!o--12, 512, s13, s1 s, 516, ss2, ss6,
Barra!, Comtesse de, affair with Napoleon,
Barras, Paul, Comte de, 89, 90, 93, 94-5,
96, 99, 104, 108, 109, I 12, I 17, I 18,
123, 128, ISO, ISI, 152, 153, IS4, IS6,
I S9, !61, !62, !64, I6S, !69, 173, 188,
204, 205, 2ID--I2, 213, 214, 215, 221
affair with Josephine, 99-100, 101, 102,
allied with Napoleon in coup against the
Right, 154-5
exiled, 2S3
made to resign fr om Directory, 216, 218
Barthelemy, Frans:ois, 150, ISI, 153, 154
arrest of, 155
Bastia, s, 10, 39, 64
religious riots, so
Bathurst, Lord (Secretary of State for
War), 63s, 641, 642, 643, 644, 647,
648, 649
Baudin, Captain, 633
Bausset, Baron de, 465
Bautzen, SS2
battle of, 553-5
Bavaria, 3 5 S, 442
fluctuating economy, 484
invaded by Austria (1809), 412
Bavaria, King of, 319, 384
Bavaria, Princess Charlotte of, 384
Bayonne decrees (18o8), 394-5, 399
Beauharnais, Alexandre de, 98-9
execution, 99
Beauharnais, Eugene de (stepson), 98, 102,
182, 198, 205, 301, 355, 417, 419, 420,
424, 46S, 466, 472, 552, 6S2
death, 663
defeat in Italy (1809), 414
loyalty to Napoleon, 577
marriage to Princess Augusta of Bavaria,
retreats to Lyons (1814), 577

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