Napoleon: A Biography

(Marcin) #1

6I6, 6r7, 624
Marshal of France, 305
Prince of Moskova 306, 550
rejoins Napoleon after Elba, 6o6, 607
Waterloo, 623-7
Nice, 92
joins regiment in, 70
Napoleon commands artillery of Army
of Italy, 76-7, 78
N. under house arrest, 79
Nore and Spithead naval mutinies, IS2
Noverraz (valet), 659, 66r
Novosiltsov, 336

O'Meara, Dr Barry, 638, 643, 646, 648--9,
654, 6s 6, 657, 66r
Oldenburg, Duchy of, annexation, 495
Oneglia, capture of, 78
Oporto, 400, 4I7, 451
Orange, Prince of, 359
Orde, Sir John, 329
Orezza, 39
Orleans, due d', 6oo
Ostermann, 565
Oudinot, Marshal Nicolas Charles, 308,
372, 375, 4IJ, 4I9, sso, 553, 554, sss,
ss6, s63, s6s, s66, S7I, sn 583, sss
death, 663
dukedom of Reggio, 424
exploits in Austrian campaign, 424
proclaims Royalist sympathies (r8IS),
Russian front (r8I2), SOI, 509, 512, 530,
533, 534, 535
Ouvrard, Gabriel, 89, 91, 227

Pacca, Cardinal, 433
Pamplona, besieged by British (r8IJ), s6r
Paoli, Pasquale, 3, 4, 8, 37, 40, 44, so, 59,
admired by Napoleon, I9, 25, 28, 42-3
break with Napoleon, 6o, 62, 63--<), 7I,
82, 667
conquest of Corsican interior, s-6
invites British to Corsica, 65
reactionary stance during Revolution, so,
SI, 53, sS-63
retreats to England, 8
snubs Napoleon, 46
surrenders to French, 6
withdraws again to England, 65
papal states
annexed (I8o9), 433, 434
occupied (I 8o8), 433
subdued, I29-30, I49
Paravicini, Geltruda, 6
Paravicini, Nicolo (uncle), 22

attempted coup by General Malet
(r8I2), 530, 537, 540
Convention of (I8IS), 636
defence of (I8I4), 578, sSo, 58I, 583,
sSs; capitulation, 585, 586-7
defence of (r8IS), 627; surrender to
Allies (ISIS), 63 I; looted by Allies
(I8I6), 653; brutal occupation by
Germans (r8r6), 653
French Revolution: humiliation of Louis
XVI, 56-7; massacre of Swiss Guards,
influence of Napoleon on Paris, 426-8
Les Invalides, burial of Napoleon (r84o),
6s S--<J, 664
Napoleon's Brumaire coup, 2I2-22
post-Revolution, 89--<Jo
return of Napoleon from Elba (I8IS),
rightist reaction (I797), ISI
Royalist uprising suppressed by
Napoleon (I795), 94-6
Treaty of (I8I4), 6oi, 6oS
Tuilieries Palace, 285; Napoleon's move
to, 242; official HQ, 263
Parma, Duke of, I47, 234
Parma riots, (I8o6), 352
Patrault, Father, I8, I9
Patterson, Betsy, 386
marriage to Jerome Bonaparte, 272, 298;
annulment, 299
Paul I, Czar, 234
assassinated, 235
forms League of Neutral Nations and
closes Baltic to British (I Soo ), 2 34
proposes alliance with France, 234
Pavia, subdued by Napoleon, r I7
Pellapra, Mme, 630
Peninsular War, JIO, 399-40I, 405-8, 4I7,
4 so-6J, SOI, 544-6, 559-6I
battles: Bailen (I8o8), I99, 452; Corunna
(r8o9), 407, 408; Talavera (I809), 45I;
Albuhuera (I8I I), 458; Salamanca
(I8I2), SI8; Vitoria (r8IJ), s6o
guerrilla warfare, 453, 454-6
mistakes by Napoleon, 46I-3
occupation of Madrid, 406
Peraldi, Jean, so, 56, 57
Peraldi, Marius, 64
Percy, Dr, 369
Perignon, Marshal, 305, 309
Permon, Laure see Junot, Laure
Petion, Jerome, 56
Phelipeaux, Le Picard de defence of Acre,
29, I9I
Philibert, Captain, 633
Pichegru, General Charles, rso-I, IS2, 305
arrested, I 55
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