Law of Success (21st Century Edition)

(Joyce) #1

Now we come to the consideration of one of the most profound
of all truths-that most who attain the higher brackets of success
seldom do so until they have gone through some event that reached
deeply into their souls and reduced them to that circumstance of life
which most call failure.
The reason for this strange phenomenon is readily recognized by
those who understand the law of Cosmic Habitforce, for it exists in
the fact that these disasters and tragedies of life serve to break the
established habits that have led the person to failure-and thus break
the grip of Cosmic Habitforce, allowing the person to formulate new
and better habits.

Wars grow out of maladjustments in the relationships between people,
as the result of the negative thoughts that have grown until they assume
mass proportions. The spirit of any nation is but the sum total of the
dominating thought habits of its people.
The same is true of individuals, for the spirit of the individual
is also determined by their dominating thought habits. Most indivi-
duals are at war, in one way or another, throughout their lives. They are
at war with their own conflicting thoughts and emotions. They are at
war in their family relationships and in their occupational and social
Recognize this truth and you will understand the real power and
the benefits that are available to those who live by the Golden Rule,
for this great rule will save you from the conflicts of personal warfare.
Recognize it and you will also understand the real purpose and
benefits of a Definite Chief Aim, for once that purpose has been fixed
in your consciousness by your habits, it will be taken over by Cosmic
Habitforce and carried to its logical conclusion by whatever practical
means there may be available.
Cosmic Habitforce does not suggest what you should desire, or
whether your thought habits will be positive or negative, but it acts

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