Law of Success (21st Century Edition)

(Joyce) #1

Sales Agents or Managers who wish to increase the selling power of their
sales force. A large part of the Law of Success course was developed
from the lifework and experience of the greatest automobile salesman,
and it is therefore of unusual help to the sales manager who is directing
the efforts of a sales force.

Life Insurance Agents who wish to add new policyholders and increase the
insurance on present policyholders. One life insurance salesman in
Ohio sold a $50,000 policy to one of the officials of the Central Steel
Company, as the result of just one reading of the lesson on Profiting by
Failure. This same salesman has become one of the star men of the New
York Life Insurance Company's staff, as the result of his training in the
seventeen laws of success.

School Teachers who wish to advance to the top in their present occupa-
tion or who are looking for an opportunity to enter the field of business
as a life's work.

Students, both college and high school, who are undecided as to the field
of endeavor they wish to enter. The Law of Success course includes a
personal analysis chart that will help the student of the philosophy
to determine the work for which he or she is best suited.

Bankers who wish to extend their business through better service and
more courteous methods of serving their clients.

Mid-level Managers who are ambitious to prepare themselves for execu-
tive positions in some commercial or industrial field.

Physicians and Dentists who wish to extend their practice without vio-
lating the ethics of their profession by direct advertising. A prominent
physician has said that the Law of Success course is worth $ I ,000
to any professional man or woman whose professional ethics prevent
direct advertising.

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