Law of Success (21st Century Edition)

(Joyce) #1

Entrepreneurs and Promoters who wish to develop new and previously
unworked combinations in business or industry.

Real Estate Agents who wish to create new methods for promoting sales.
This lesson contains a description of an entirely new real estate pro-
motion plan which is sure to make fortunes for many who will put it
to use. This plan may be put into operation in practically every state.
Moreover, it may be used by agents who never promoted an enterprise.
(In fact the principle described in this introductory lesson is said to have
made a small fortune for a man who used it as the basis of a real estate
promotion. )

Farmers who wish to discover new methods of marketing their prod-
ucts so as to give them greater net returns, and those who own lands
suitable for subdivision promotion under the plan referred to at the
end of this lesson. Many farmers have "gold mines" in the land they own
that is not suitable for cultivation, but could be used for recreation
and resort purposes on a highly profitable basis.

Entry-level Service Workers who are looking for a practical plan to pro-
mote themselves into higher and better-paying positions. The Law of
Success course is said to be the best course ever written on the subject
of marketing personal services.

Printers who want a larger volume of business as well as more efficient
production through better Cooperation among their own employees.

Laborers who have the ambition to advance into more responsible posi-
tions, in work that has greater responsibilities and consequently offers
more pay.

Lawyers who wish to extend their clientele through dignified, ethical
methods that will bring them to the attention, in a favorable way, of
a greater number of people who need legal services.

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