Law of Success (21st Century Edition)

(Joyce) #1

Knowing nothing whatsoever about the technical end of the steel
business, Carnegie so combined and grouped the people of which his
Master Mind was composed that he built the most successful steel
industry known to the world during his lifetime.
Henry Ford's gigantic success may be traced to the successful
application of this selfsame principle. With all the self-reliance that a
man could have, Ford, nevertheless, did not depend on himself for the
knowledge necessary in the successful development of his industries.
Like Carnegie, he surrounded himself with people who supplied
the knowledge that he, himself, did not and could not possess.
Moreover, Ford picked men who could and did harmonize in
group effort.
The most effective alliances, which have resulted in the creation of
the principle known as the Master Mind, have been those developed
out of the blending of the minds of men and women. The reason for
this is that the minds of male and female will more readily blend in
harmony than will the minds of only one gender. As well, the added
stimulus of potential sexual contact often enters into the development
of a Master Mind between a man and a woman.
The road to success may be, and generally is, obstructed by many
influences that must be removed before the goal can be reached. One
of the most detrimental of these obstacles is that of unfortunate alli-
ance with minds that do not harmonize. In such cases the alliance must
be broken or the end is sure to be defeat and failure.
Those who master the six basic fears, one of which is the fear of
criticism, will have no hesitancy in taking what may seem to the more
convention-bound type of mind to be drastic action when they find
themselves circumscribed and bound down by antagonistic alliances,
no matter of what nature or with whom they may be.
lt is a million times better to meet and face criticism than to be
dragged down to failure and oblivion as a result of alliances that are
not harmonious, whether the alliances be of a business or social nature.

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