Law of Success (21st Century Edition)

(Joyce) #1

This same organization has created what it calls the "One-A-Week
Club," meaning that every member of the club has averaged the sale of
one car a week since the club was organized.
The results of this effort have been surprising to all! Each member
of the club was provided with a list of one hundred prospective pur-
chasers of automobiles. Each salesperson sends one postcard a week to
each of those one hundred prospective purchasers, and makes personal
calls on at least ten of these each day.
Each postcard is confined to the description of just one advantage
of the automobile and asks for a personal interview.
Interviews have increased rapidly, as have sales!
The agent who employs this sales force has offered an extra cash
bonus to anyone who earns the right to membership in the One-A-Week
Club by averaging the sale of one car a week.
This plan has injected new vitality into the entire organization,
and the results are showing in the weekly sales record. A similar plan
could also be adopted very effectively by life insurance agencies. Any
enterprising general agent might easily double or even triple the volume
of business through the use of this plan.
Practically no changes whatsoever would need to be made in the
method of use of the plan. The club might be called the Policy-A-Week
Club, meaning that each member pledges to sell at least one policy, of
an agreed minimum amount, each week.
The student of this course who has mastered the second lesson, A
Definite Chief Aim, and understands how to apply the fundamentals of
that lesson, will be able to make much more effective use of the plan
here described.
It is not suggested or intended that anyone undertake to apply the
principles of this lesson until they have mastered at least the next five
lessons of the Law of Success course.
The automobile sales organization to which I have here referred
holds a lunchtime meeting once a week. An hour and a half is devoted

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