By following this suggestion you will have a collection of ideas,
by the time the course has been read two or three times, sufficient to
transform your entire life plan.
By following this practice it will be noticed, very soon, that the mind
has become like a magnet in that it will attract useful ideas right out
of thin air, to use the words of a noted scientist who has experimented
with this principle for a great number of years.
In the time since Hill wrote these words, considerable research has been done on
creativity, intuition, and various thinking styles and techniques. In almost all cases,
books written on these subjects tend to support Hill's theory that the act of writing
down what you think or dream prompts the human mind to make leaps of insight
and spontaneously create original ideas. This in turn has prompted a whole subset
of books about what is now termedjournaling.
If you wish to explore the possibilities further, you will find the following books
of interest: The Intuitive Edge by Philip Goldberg, The Right-Brain Experience by
Marilee Zdenek, Creative Dreaming by Patricia Garfield, and Writing the Natural Way
by Gabriele Rico. Books on methods of thinking include numerous works by Tony
Buzan, and an extensive collection of influential bestsellers written by Edward de
Bono. Books on journaling include Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg,
At a Journal Workshop by Ira Progoff, and The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron.
You will be doing yourself a great injustice if you undertake this
course with even a remote feeling that you do not stand in need of more
knowledge than you now possess. In truth, no one knows enough about
any worthwhile subject to entitle them to feel that they have the last
word on that subject.
In the long, hard task of trying to wipe out some of my own igno-
rance and make way for some of the useful truths of life, I have often
seen, in my imagination, the Great Marker who stands at the gateway
entrance of life and writes "Poor Fool" on the brow of those who