Law of Success (21st Century Edition)

(Joyce) #1

gained by answering truthfully. If you are not certain as to the answers
to some of the questions, seek the counsel of those who know you well,
especially those who have no motive in flattering you, and see yourself
through their eyes.

The following is Hill's self-analysis test, which is taken from his book Think and
Grow Rich:
Do you often complain of "feeling bad"? If so, why?
Do you find fault with other people easily?
Do you often make mistakes in your work?
Are you sarcastic and obnoxious?
Do you deliberately avoid anyone? Why?
Does life seem futile and hopeless to you?
Do you often feel self-pity? If so, why?
Do you envy people who are more successful?
Do you devote more time to thinking about success or failure?
Are you gaining or losing self-confidence as you grow older?
Do you learn from your mistakes?
Are you permitting a relative or friend to worry you?
Are you sometimes elated and sometimes depressed?
Who is the most inspiring person you know?
Do you put up with negative influences?
Are you careless about your personal appearance?
Do you avoid your troubles by being busy?
Do you let other people do your thinking for you?
Are you annoyed by petty disturbances?
Do you resort to liquor, drugs, or cigarettes to calm you down?
Does anyone nag you?
Do you have an aim in life and a plan for achieving it?
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