Do you suffer from any of the six basic fears?
Do you have a way to shield yourself from the negative effects of others?
Do you actively attempt to keep your mind positive?
What do you value more: your physical possessions or your ability to control your
own thoughts?
Are you easily influenced by others?
Have you learned anything of value today?
Do you accept responsibility for problems?
Do you analyze mistakes and try to learn from them?
Can you name your three most damaging weaknesses and explain what you are
doing to combat them?
Do you encourage others to bring their troubles to you for sympathy?
Does your presence have a negative influence on others?
What habits in others annoy you the most?
Do you form your own opinions or do you let yourself be influenced by others?
Does your job inspire you?
Do you have spiritual forces powerful enough to keep you free from fear?
If you believe that "birds of a feather flock together, " what do you know about
your friends?
Do you see any connection between your friends and some unhappiness in your life?
Is it possible that some close friend or associate has a negative influence on your mind?
What criteria do you use to determine who is helpful to you and who is harmful?
Are your intimate associates mentally superior or inferior to you?
How much time out of every day to you devote to:
- your occupation?
- sleep?
- play and relaxation?
- acquiring useful knowledge?
- plain waste?
Who among your friends and family: - encourages you the most?
- cautions you the most?
- discourages you the most?