Law of Success (21st Century Edition)

(Joyce) #1

solely by the thoughts you think. If you demand success of yourself,
and also back up this demand with intelligent action, you are sure to
win. Bear in mind, though, that there is a difference between demanding
success and just merely wishing for it. You should find out what this
difference is and take advantage of it.
Do you remember what the Bible says about those who have faith as
a grain of mustard seed? (Look it up in the book of Matthew, chapter
I3.) Go at the task of developing Self-Confidence with at least that
much faith if not more. Never mind "what they will say" because you
might as well know that «they" will be of little aid to you in your climb
up the mountainside of life toward the object of your difinite purpose.
You have within you all the power necessary to get whatever you want
or need in this world, and about the best way to avail yourself of this
power is to believe in yourse!f
"Know thyself, man; know thyself'
This has been the advice of the philosophers all down the ages.
When you really know yourself.. you will know that there is nothing
foolish about hanging a sign in front of you that reads "Day by day
in every way I am becoming more successful;' with due apologies to
Emile CoUt~, who made this motto popular. I am not afraid to place
this sort of suggestion in front of my desk, and, what is more to the
point, I am not afraid to' believe that it will influence me so that I will
become a more positive and aggressive human being.
More than twenty-five years ago I learned my first lesson in Self-
Confidence building. One night I was sitting before an open fireplace,
listening to a conversation between some older men on the subject of
capital and labor. Without invitation I joined the conversation and said
something about employers and employees settling their differences on
the Golden Rule basis. My remarks attracted the attention of one of the
men, who turned to me with a look of surprise on his face, and said:
"Why, you are a bright boy, and if you would go out and get a
schooling you would make your mark in the world:'

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