Law of Success (21st Century Edition)

(Joyce) #1

Study yourself, find out what the motives are that inspire you to
perform certain deeds and that cause you to refrain from performing
other deeds, and you will have gone far toward perfecting yourself in
the accurate use of Imagination.

Thedetective's biggest asset is Imagination. The first question he asks
when called in to solve a crime is: What was the motive? If he can find out
the motive he can usually find the perpetrator of the crime.
A man who had lost a horse posted a reward of five dollars for its
return. Several days later a boy who was supposed to have been "weak-
minded" came leading the horse home and claimed the reward. The
owner was curious to know how the boy found the horse. "How did you
ever think where to look for the horse?" he asked, and the boy replied,
"Well, I just thought where I would have gone if I had been a horse,
and went there, and he had:' Not so bad for a "weak-minded" fellow.
Some who are not accused of being weak-minded go all through life
without displaying as much evidence of Imagination as did this boy.
If you want to know what the other person will do, use your
Imagination. Put yourself in the place of the other and find out what
you would have done. That's Imagination.
Every person should be somewhat of a dreamer. Every business
needs the dreamer. Every industry and every profession needs them. But
the dreamer must also be a doer, or else they must form an alliance with
someone who can and does translate dreams into reality.


The greatest nation on the face of this earth was conceived, born, and
nurtured, through the early days of its childhood, by Imagination in
the minds of people who combined dreams with action!
Your mind is capable of creating many new and useful combinations
of old ideas, but the most important thing it can create is a Definite
Chief Aim that will give you what you most desire.

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