Next he went to the leading restaurant in the town and made a
similar arrangement with the owner. Incidentally, this alliance proved
to be quite profitable to the restaurateur, who promptly began an
advertising campaign in which it was stated that the food was so pure,
wholesome, and good that all who ate there regularly would be apt
to live much longer. Therefore he would insure the life of each regular
customer for one thousand dollars.
The life insurance salesman then made arrangements with a local
builder and real estate man to insure the life of each person buying prop-
erty from him, for an amount sufficient to payoff the balance due on
the property in case the purchaser died before payments were completed.
The young man in question is now the General Agent for one of the
largest life insurance companies in the United States, with headquarters
in one of the largest cities in Ohio.
The turning point in his life came when he discovered how he
might make practical use of the law of Imagination.
There is no patent on his plan. It may be duplicated over and over
again by other life insurance sellers who know the value of Imagination.
Just now, if I were engaged in selling life insurance, I think I would make
use of this plan by allying myself with a group of automobile distribu-
tors in each of several cities, thus enabling them to sell more automobiles
and at the same time providing for the sale of a large amount of life
insurance, through their efforts.
Financial success is not difficult to achieve after one learns how to
make practical use of creative Imagination. Someone with sufficient
Initiativ~ and Leadership, and the necessary Imagination, will duplicate
the fortunes being made each year by the owners of five-and-ten-cent
stores, by developing a system of marketing the same sort of goods
now sold in these stores, with the aid of vending machines. This will
save a fortune in clerk hire, ensure against theft, and cut down the
overhead of store operation in many other ways. Such a system can be