to you the two-cent stamp that you will place on the letter,
but, if estimated from the viewpoint of the good it may do
others who are less fortunate than yourself. it may be worth the
difference between success and failure to many a worthy person
who will read your message, believe in it, and be guided by it.
Very cordially yours ...
Now, let us analyze the two letters and find out why one failed in
its mission while the other succeeded. This analysis should start with one
of the most important fundamentals of salesmanship: motive. In the first
letter it is obvious that the motive is entirely one of self-interest. The
letter states exactly what is wanted, but the wording of it leaves a doubt
as to why the request is made or whom it is intended to benefit. Study
the sentence in the second paragraph, "This will be a big favor to me
personally;' et cetera. Now, it may seem to be a peculiar trait, but the
truth is that most people will not grant favors just to please others. If I
ask you to render a service that will benefit me, without bringing you
some corresponding advantage, you will not show much Enthusiasm in
granting that favor; you may refuse altogether if you have a plausible
excuse for refusing. But if I ask you to render a service that will ben-
efit a third person, even though the service must be rendered through
me, and if that service is of such a nature that it is likely to reflect credit
on you, the chances are that you will render the service willingly.
We see this psychology demonstrated by the person who gives only
small change to the beggar on the street, but willingly hands over hun-
dreds of thousands of dollars to the charity worker who is soliciting in
the name of others.
But the most damaging suggestion of all is contained in the last and
most important paragraph of the letter: "Thanking you in advance for
any consideration you may care to show me." This sentence strongly suggests
that the writer of the letter anticipates a refusal of their request. It
dearly indicates lack of Enthusiasm. It paves the way for a refusal of the