request. There is not one single word in the entire letter that places in
the mind of anyone to whom it is sent a satisfactory reason for com-
plying with the request. On the other hand, the reader can clearly see
that the object of the letter is to secure a letter of endorsement that
will help sell the book. The most important selling argument-in fact,
the only selling argument in connection with this request-has been
lost because it was not brought out and established as the real motive
for making the request. This argument was but faintly mentioned in the
sentence, "I believe those who purchase the book would welcome the
opportunity of receiving a message from you as to the best method of
marketing personal services."
The opening paragraph of the letter violates an important funda-
mental of salesmanship, because it clearly suggests that the object of the
letter is to gain some advantage for its writer and does not even hint at
any advantage to the person to ~hom it is sent. Instead of neutralizing
the mind of the recipient of the letter, as it should do, it has just the
opposite effect; it makes it easy for him to say no.
It reminds me of a salesman-or, perhaps I should say someone
who wanted to be a salesman-who once approached me in an effort
to sell me a subscription to the Saturday Evening Post. As he held a copy
of the magazine in front of me he suggested the answer I should give,
by this question:
"You wouldn't subscribe for the Post to help me out, would you?"
He had made it too easy for me to say no. There was no Enthu-
siasm behind his words, and he suggested nothing that appealed to my
self-interest motive, therefore he lost a sale.
A few weeks later another subscription agent approached me.
She was selling a combination of six magazines, one of which was the
Saturday Evening Post) but how different her approach was. She glanced
at my library table, on which she saw several magazines, then at my
bookshelves, and exclaimed with Enthusiasm:
"Oh! I see you are a lover 0/ books and magazines."