articles to appear in the newspapers, recommending to the people of
America the immediate recognition of the government by the United
States;' et cetera.
For this service, I was offered more money than I shall, perhaps,
ever possess during my entire life. But I refused the commission, and
for a reason that will fail to impress anyone except those who under-
stand the principle that makes it necessary for all who would influence
others to remain on good terms with their own conscience.
I could not write convincingly of that country's cause because I did
not believe in that cause. Therefore, I could not have mixed sufficient
Enthusiasm with my writing to have made it effective, even if I had
been willing to prostitute my talent and dip my pen into ink that I
believed to be muddy.
I will not endeavor further to explain my philosophy on this incident,
as those who are far enough advanced in the study of autosuggestion
will not need further explanation, while those who are not far enough
advanced would not and could not understand.
No one can cifford to express, through words or acts, anything that is not in
harmony with their own belief, and if they do, they must pay by the loss of their
ability to influence others.
Please read aloud the foregoing paragraph! It is worth emphasizing
by repetition, for it is by lack of observation of the principle on which
it is based that many a person's Definite Chief Aim has been dashed.
I do not believe that I can afford to try to deceive anyone, about any-
thing, but I know that I cannot afford to try to deceive myselj. To do so
would destroy the power of my pen and render my words ineffective.
It is only when I write with the fire of Enthusiasm burning in my
heart that my writing impresses others favorably; and it is only when I
speak from a heart that is bursting with belief in my message, that I can
move my audience to accept that message.
I urge you to also read aloud the foregoing paragraph. Commit
it to memory. Write it out and place it where it may serve as a daily