Law of Success (21st Century Edition)

(Joyce) #1


Character is the philosopher's lodestone through which all who
have it may turn the base metals of their life into pure gold. Without
character you have nothing, you are nothing, and you can be nothing.
Character is something that you cannot beg or steal or buy. You can
get it only by building it; and you can build it by your own thoughts
and deeds, and in no other way. Through the aid of autosuggestion,
any person can build a sound character, no matter what his or her past
has been. I wish to emphasize the fact that all who have character also
have Enthusiasm and Personality sufficient to attract others who have
Following are three simple but valuable instructions as to how to
develop Enthusiasm.
First: Complete the remaining lessons of this course, because other
important instructions that are to be coordinated with this one will
be found in subsequent lessons.
Second: If you have not already done so, write out your Definite
Chief Aim in clear, simple language, and follow this by writing out
the plan through which you intend to transform your aim into reality.
Third: Read over the description of your Definite Chief Aim
each night just before retiring, and as you read, see yourself (in your
Imagination) in full possession of the object of your aim. Do this
with full faith in your ability to transform your Definite Chief Aim
into reality. Read aloud, with all the Enthusiasm at your command,
emphasizing every word. Repeat this reading until the small still voice
within you tells you that your purpose will be realized. Sometimes
you will feel the effects of this voice from within the first time you
read your Definite Chief Aim, while at other times you may have to
read it a dozen or fifty times before the assurance comes. But do not
stop until you feel it.
One of the greatest powers for good, on the face of this earth,
is faith. To this marvelous power may be traced miracles of the most
astounding nature. It offers peace on earth to all who embrace it.

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