Personally I feel no need of thirty-one suits of clothes, but if my
personality demanded a wardrobe of this size I would manage to get it,
no matter how much it might cost.
It may be true, as a well-known poet has said, that "clothes do not
make the man;' but no one can deny that good clothes go a very long way
toward giving a person a favorable start.
A bank will generally loan you all the money you want when you
do not need it-when you are prosperous-but never go to your bank
for a loan with shabby-looking clothes on your back and a look of
poverty in your eyes, for if you do you'll get the gate. Success attracts
success! There is no escape from this fact. Therefore, if you wish to
attract success, make sure that you look the part of success, whether your
calling is that of day laborer or merchant prince.
For the benefit of the more "dignified" students of this philosophy
who may object to resorting to "trick clothing" as a means of achieving
success, let me say that the real lesson here is that practically every suc-
cessfUl person has discovered some form of stimulus through which they
can and do drive themself on to greater effort.
Times too numerous to mention I have gone into conference with
colleagues who had the appearance of worry written all over them,
only to see those same colleagues straighten up their shoulders, tilt
their chins at a higher angle, soften their faces with smiles of confidence,
and get down to business with the sort of Enthusiasm that knows no
The change took place at the moment harmony of purpose was
If a person goes about the affairs of life devoid of Enthusiasm, they
are doomed to failure. Nothing can save them until they change their
attitude and learn how to stimulate their mind and body to unusual
heights of Enthusiasm at will!
Your business in life, you are reminded once again, is to achieve