Law of Success (21st Century Edition)

(Joyce) #1

Yet still higher up the scale-just how high no one is able to say
at this point-the vibrations or cycles create the power, I believe, with
which humans think. It is my belief that all vibrations which produce
energy are simply varying forms of the same thing; the difference is in
the rate of vibration. The difference between light and sound is only
the rate of vibration. Thoughts, too, are energy. Therefore, the only
difference between thought, sound, heat, or light is the number of
vibrations per second.
Just as there is only one form of physical matter of which the
earth and all the other planets, suns, and stars are composed, so is
there but one form of energy, which causes all matter to remain in
a constant state of rapid motion.

Dr. Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the long distance telephone
and one of the accepted authorities on the subject of vibration, is
here introduced in support of my theories of vibration:

Suppose you have the power to make an iron rod vibrate
with any desired frequency in a dark room. At first, when
vibrating slowly, its movement will be indicated by only one
sense, that of touch. As soon as the vibrations increase, a low
sound will emanate from it and it will appeal to two senses.
At about 32,000 vibrations to the second the sound will
be loud and shrill, but at 40,000 vibrations it will be silent
and the movements of the rod will not be perceived by touch.
Its movements will be perceived by no ordinary human sense.
From this point up to about 1,500,000 vibrations per
second, we have no 'sense that can appreciate any effect of
the intervening vibrations. After that stage is reached, move-
ment is indicated first by the sense of temperature and then,
when the rod becomes red hot, by the sense of sight.
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