Law of Success (21st Century Edition)

(Joyce) #1

more students, making a total of fifteen new students. The entire time
consumed was not more than six hours, including the time required
for the delivery of the addresses and the enrollment of the students.
My friend's commission on the transactions was a little over four
hundred dollars!
These places of employment were within fifteen minutes' walk of
this man's place of business, but he had not thought of looking there
for business nor of allying himself with a speaker to assist him in
"group" selling. That man now owns a highly successful commercial
school of his own.
No "opportunities" come your way? Perhaps they come but you
do not see them. Perhaps you will see them in the future as you are
preparing yoursel£ through the laws of success, so that you can recog-
nize an opportunity when you see it. The sixth lesson of this course
was on the subject of Imagination, which is the chief factor in this
story. Imagination, plus a difinite plan, plus Self-Confidence, plus action,
were the main factors that entered into this transaction. You now know
how to use all of these, and before you have finished this lesson you will
understand how to direct these factors through Self-Control.
Now let us examine the scope of meaning of the term self-control
A person with well-developed Self-Control does not indulge in hatred,
envy, jealousy, fear, revenge, or any similar destructive emotions. A
person with well-developed Self-Control does not go into ecstasies or
become ungovernably enthusiastic over anything or anybody.
Greed and selfishness and excessive self-approval indicate lack of
Self-Control in one of its most dangerous forms. Self-Confidence is
one of the important essentials of success, but when this faculty is
developed beyond the point of reason, it becomes very dangerous.
Self-sacrifice is a commendable quality, but when carried to extremes
it also becomes one of the dangerous forms of lack of Self-Control.
You owe it to yourself not to permit your emotions to place your
happiness in the keeping of another person. Love is essential for happi-

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