If I do you an injury, you retaliate at first opportunity. If I say
unjust things about you, you will retaliate in kind, even in greater
measure. On the other hand, if I do you a favor you will reciprocate
even in greater measure if possible.
Through the proper use of this law, I can get you to do whatever I
wish you to do. If I wish you to dislike me and lend your influence toward
damaging me, I can accomplish this by inflicting upon you the sort of
treatment that I want you to inflict upon me through retaliation.
If I wish your respect, your friendship, and your Cooperation, I
can get these by extending to you my friendship and Cooperation.
You can compare these statements with your own experience and
you will see how beautifully they harmonize.
How often have you heard the remark "What a wonderful per-
sonality that person has"? How often have you met people whose
personalities you coveted?
People who attract you to them through their Pleasing Personality
are merely making use of the law of harmonious attraction, or the law
of retaliation, both of which, when analyzed, mean that "like attracts
If you will study, understand, and make intelligent use of the law
of retaliation, you will be an efficient and successful salesperson.
When you have mastered this simple law and learned how to use it,
you will have learned all that can be learned about salesmanship.
The first and probably the most important step to be taken in
mastering this law is to cultivate complete Self-Control. You must
learn to take all sorts of punishment and abuse without retaliating
in kind. This Self-Control is a part of the price you must pay for
mastery of the law of retaliation.
When an angry person starts in to vilify and abuse you, justly or
unjustly, just remember that if you retaliate in a like manner you are
being drawn down to that person's mental level. Therefore that person
is dominating you!