Law of Success (21st Century Edition)

(Joyce) #1


''To him that hath shall be given, but to him that hath not shall
be taken away even that which he hath:'
This quotation from the Bible used to seem ridiculous to me, yet
how true it is when reduced to its concrete meaning.
Yes, "to him that hath shall be given." If he "hath" failure, lack
of Self-Confidence, hatred, or lack of Self-Control, to him shall
these qualities be given in still greater abundance! But if he "hath"
success, Self-Confidence, Self-Control, patience, persistence, and
determination, to him shall these qualities be increased! Sometimes
it may be necessary to meet force with force until we overpower our
opponent or adversary, but while they are down is a splendid time to
complete the "retaliation" by taking them by the hand and showing
them a better way to settle disputes.
It is for you to decide what you want others to do and it is for
you to get them to do it through the law of retaliation!
"The Divine Economy is automatic and very simple: we receive
only that which we give:'
How true it is that "we receive only that which we give:' It is not
that which we wish jor that comes back to us, but that which we give.
I implore you to make use of this law, not alone for material gain,
but, better still, for the attainment of happiness and goodwill.
This, after all, is the only real success for which to strive.

In this lesson we have learned a great principle-probably the most
important major principle of psychology! We have learned that our
thoughts and actions toward others resemble a magnet which attracts
to us the same sort of thought and the same sort of action that we,
ourselves, create.
We have learned that "like attracts like," whether in thought or
in action. We have learned that the human mind responds, in kind,
to whatever thought impressions it receives. We have learned that
the human mind resembles mother earth in that it will reproduce
action that corresponds, in kind, to the sensory impressions planted
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