Force your mind to think! Proceed by combining old ideas into
new plans. Every great invention and every outstanding business or
industrial achievement that you can name is, in final analysis, but the
application of a combination of plans and ideas that have been used
before, in some other manner.
Back oj the beating hammer
By which the steel is wrought,
Back oj the workshop's clamor
The seeker may find the Thought;
The thought that is ever Master
Of iron and steam and steel,
That rises above disaster
And tramples it under heel.
The drudge may fret and tinker
Or labor with lusty blows,
But back oj him stands the Thinker,
The clear~eyed man who knows;
For into each plow or saber,
Each piece and part and whole,
Must go the brains oj labor,
Which gives the work a soul.
Back oj the motor's humming,
Back oj the bells that ring,
Back oj the hammer's drumming,
Back oj the cranes that swing,
There is the Eye which scans them,
Watching through stress and strain,
There is the Mind which plans them-
Back oj the brawn, the Brain.