Law of Success (21st Century Edition)

(Joyce) #1


is seldom enjoyable. Time passes slowly, and boredom and weariness
are inevitable in such circumstances.
It is possible, however, to be engaged in work that you love, work
that gives you personal satisfaction and which you approach in a spirit
of anticipation and excitement. When engaged in work that you love,
you can labor for unbelievably long periods of time without noticing
the clock, because you are focused on the challenge and the satisfaction
you are getting.
Your endurance, therefore, depends very largely on the extent to
which you like, dislike, or love what you are doing. This is the basis for
one of the most important philosophies of this course: You are most
ifficient and will more quickly and easily succeed when engaged in work that you
love, or work that you perform on behalf of some person whom you love.
Whenever the element of love enters into any task you perform,
the quality of your work becomes immediately improved and the
quantity increased, without a corresponding increase in the fatigue
caused by that work.

Napoleon Hill obviously believed that finding the work you love is of key
importance in achieving success, and he wrote extenSively about the concept in
the previous lessons as well.
The editors of this updated edition of Napoleon Hill's work have, in each of
the volumes, added commentary suggesting many books and audiobooks by
other authors that have been published in the intervening years and which expand
on Hill's basic theses. Two of the most popular bestsellers on this subject are
Wishcraft by Barbara Sher and Do What You Love, the Money Will Follow by
Marsha Sinetar. Both books offer not only inspiration and motivation but also
practical advice on how to get started.

Some years ago a group of people organized a colony in Louisiana,
purchased several hundred acres of farmland, and started to work out

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