Law of Success (21st Century Edition)

(Joyce) #1


Through inflation alone, and according to one calculation source, by the early
twenty-first century the dollar equivalent of Hill's marketability as a freelance
writer would be approximately $120,000 to $200,000 annually. As well, over
those years the advertising industry has changed radically and the demand for
people with Hill's talents has created salaries that far outstrip inflation. There are,
however, many factors and variables in making direct dollar comparisons when it
comes to salaries, and the conversion figures also vary among sources.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics it took $17.89 in 2002 to buy
what $1.00 bought in 1913. If the $17.89 figure were used relative to salaries,
that would translate to Hill's annual salary being potentially the equivalent of
$107,340 to $178,900.
But that calculation is based on all goods and services purchased by urban
households, which is not necessarily reflective of salaries. As we've seen during
recessions, the fact that consumers spend less freely doesn't mean salaries
are suddenly decreased accordingly, and nor do salaries increase to match the
freer spending in a particularly good economic climate.

In a way, I saw my wife's viewpoint, as we had young growing
children who needed clothes and education. A regular salary, even
though it was not large, seemed to be a necessity.
Despite this logical argument, however, I chose to override my
wife's counsel and the criticism of family and friends. I remained
adamant. I had made my choice and I was determined to stand by it.
The opposition did not yield to my viewpoint, but it gradually
subsided. And the knowledge that my choice had created hardship for
my family actually increased the dedication with which I worked for
what I believed.
Fortunately, not all of my friends believed my choice unwise.
There were a few who not only believed I was following a course that
would ultimately bring me out somewhere near the top in the way
of useful achievement, but in addition to believing in my plans, they

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