one of the two sources from which thoughts that pOp into one's
mind emanate, the other source being direct and immediate contact
through the ether with the brain releasing the thought vibration.
Thus it will be seen that if this theory is a fact, the boundless
space of the whole universe is now and will continue to become literally
a mental library wherein may be found all the thoughts released by
human beings.
Imagine what a part this principle plays in every walk of life. You have probably
experienced it with those you love, or with someone you work alongside. There
you are, both of you considering the solution to some problem, and you hit on the
same idea at the same moment.
You have probably also noticed that the intensity of thoughts can increase their
power to affect other minds. When you listen to a passionate speaker, don't you
sometimes know what will be said next, even the words that will be used? This may
sometimes be due to simple logical interpretation, yet it is just as likely to happen
when you are hearing someone speak on something you know little about. In such
a case, you have little basis for anticipating anything. Yet the power of the other
person s thoughts conveys to you the ideas that are being expounded.
Imagine, then, applying this effect to your pursuit of success through harmo-
nious and purposeful alliance of two or more minds. Two words are key here:
harmonious and purposeful.
Organized Knowledge
Here I am laying the foundation for one of the most important hypo-
theses enumerated in Lesson Three.
This is a lesson on organized knowledge. Most of the useful knowl-
edge to which the human race has become heir has been preserved and
accurately recorded in Nature's bible. By turning back the pages of