this unalterable bible, we have read the story of the terrific struggle
through and out of which the present civilization has grown. The
pages of this bible are made up of the physical elements of which this
earth and the other planets consist, and of the ether that fills all space.
By turning back the pages written on stone and covered near the
surface of this earth on which we live, we have uncovered the bones,
skeletons, footprints, and other unmistakable evidence of the history
of animal life on this earth, planted there for our enlightenment and
guidance by the hand of Mother Nature throughout unbelievable
periods of time. The evidence is plain and unmistakable. The great
stone pages of Nature's bible found on this earth, and the endless
pages of that bible represented by the ether wherein all past human
thought has been recorded, constitute an authentic source of commu-
nication between the Creator and his creation. This bible was begun
before humankind had reached the thinking stage; indeed before life
had reached the ameba (one-cell animal) stage of development.
This bible is above and beyond our power to alter. Moreover, it tells
its story not in the ancient dead languages or hieroglyphics but in
universal language which all who have eyes may read. Nature's bible,
from which we have derived all the knowledge that is worth knowing,
is one that no one may alter or in any manner tamper with.
The most marvelous discovery yet made is that of the recently
discovered radio principle. Imagine picking up the ordinary vibration
of sound and transforming that vibration from audio frequency into
radio frequency, sending it to a properly attuned receiving station and
there transforming it back into its original form of audio frequency,
all in the flash of a second. It should surprise no one that such a force
could gather up the vibration of thought and keep that vibration in
motion forever.
The instantaneous transmission of sound, by means of the modern
radio apparatus, makes not only possible but also probable my theory-
that thought vibration can connect mind to mind.