Anyone interested in reading Ralph Waldo Emerson s Compensation online can
find it at
A few years ago I was invited to deliver the graduation address before
the students of a college. During my address I dwelt at length, and
with all the emphasis at my command, on the importance of render-
ing more service and better service than that for which one is paid.
After the address was delivered, the president and the secretary
of the college invited me to lunch. While we were eating, the secre-
tary turned to the president and said, HI have just found out what
this man is doing. He is putting himself ahead in the world by first
helping others to get ahead:'
In that brief statement he had epitomized the most important
part of my philosophy on the subject of success: It is literally true
that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed.
Some years ago, when I was in the advertising business, I built
my entire clientele by applying the fundamentals upon which this
lesson is founded. By having my name placed on the follow-up lists
of various mail-order houses, I received their sales literature. When I
received a sales letter or a booklet or a folder that I believed I could
improve, I went right to work on it and made the improvement, then
sent it back to the firm that had sent it to me, with a letter stating
that this was but a trifling sample of what I could do-that there were
plenty of other good ideas where that one came from-and that I
would be glad to render regular service for a monthly fee.
Invariably this brought an order for my services. On one occasion
a firm was dishonest enough to appropriate my idea and use it with-
out paying me for it, but this later turned out to be an advantage to
me. A member of the firm who was familiar with the situation started
another business, and as a result of the work I had done for his former
associates, for which I was not paid, he hired me at more than double
the amount I would have realized from his original firm.