When other automobile manufacturers raised their prices, Ford
lowered his. When other employers lowered wages, Ford increased them.
What happened? This policy made the law of increasing returns work
so effectively for Ford that he became the richest and most powerful
man in the world.
Oh, you foolish and shortsighted seekers after wealth, who are
returning from the daily chase empty-handed, why do you not take
a lesson from men like Ford? Why do you not reverse your philoso-
phy and give in order that you may get?
Life is but a short span of years at best. If we were placed here for
the purpose of laying up treasures for use in a life that lies beyond
the dark shadow of Death, may it not be possible that we can best
collect these treasures by rendering all the service we can, to all the
people we can, in a loving spirit of kindness and sympathy?
I hope you agree with this philosophy.
Here this lesson must end, but it is by no means completed. Where
I lay down the chain of thought it is now your duty to take it up
and develop it, in your own way and to your own benefit.
By the very nature of its subject, this lesson can never be finished.
Its purpose is to inspire you to take the fundamentals on which it is
based and use them as a stimulus that will open your mind, thereby
releasing the latent forces within you.
This lesson was not written specifically for the purpose of teach-
ing you, but was intended as a means of enabling you to teach yourself
one of the great truths of life. It was intended as a source of education,
in the true sense of educingy drawing out, developing from within, those
forces of mind that are available for your use.
When you deliver the best service of which you are capable, striving
each time to exceed all your previous efforts, you are making use of the
highest form of education. Therefore, when you render more service and
better service than that for which you are paid, you, more than anyone
else, are profiting by the effort.