Law of Success (21st Century Edition)

(Joyce) #1


There is a strong parallel between what Hill is saying here about the interrelation
of minds and the theories of the revolutionary philosopher/scientist/designer
Buckminster Fuller. In the introduction to Synergetics, Fuller writes, "[H]umanity has
been deprived of comprehensive understanding. Specialization has bred feelings of
isolation, futility, and confusion in individuals. " Hill believed that the Master Mind
draws its members out of their fields of specialization into a group the power of
which is greater than its component parts.
Macrocosmically, Fuller says that we must understand all elements and
operations of the universe as interconnected. In Synergetics 303.00 he defines
Universe as, "The comprehensive, historically synchronous, integral-aggregate
system embracing all the separate integral-aggregate systems of al/ men's
consciously apprehended and communicated (to self or others) nonsimultaneous,
nonidentical, but always complementary and only partially overlapping, macro-
micro, always-and-everywhere, omnitransforming, physical and metaphysical,
weighable and unweighable event sequences. Universe is a dynamically synchro-
nous scenario ... "

The Meeting of Minds

This principle of mind chemistry is the basis and cause for prac-
tically all the soul-mate and eternal-triangle cases, so many of which
unfortunately find their way into the divorce courts and meet
with popular ridicule from ignorant and uneducated people who
manufacture vulgarity and scandal out of one of the greatest of
Nature's laws.
The entire civilized world knows that the first two or three years
of association after marriage are often marked by much disagreement,
of a more or less petty nature. These are the years of adjustment. If the
marriage survives them, it is more than apt to become a permanent
alliance. These facts no experienced married person will deny. Again
we see the effect without understanding the cause.

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