You can see that the plan has possibilities. It supplies independ-
ent work and gives you IOO percent of your earning power. It is better
than a position as advertising manager, even if the position paid the
same money, because it practically places you in a business of your
own-one in which your name is constantly developing a survival
Idea Number Three
This plan can be put into operation by almost any man or woman
of average intelligence, and with little preparation. Go to any first-
class printer and make arrangements with them to handle all the
business you bring to them, allowing you a commission of, say, IO
percent on the gross amount. Then go to the largest users of printed
matter and get samples of everything that they use in the way of
Form a partnership or working arrangement with a commercial
artist who will go over all this printed matter and, wherever suitable
or appropriate, improve the illustrations. Then, if you are not a copy
writer, form a working arrangement with someone who is, and get him
or her to go over the copy of the printed materials and improve on it
in every respect possible.
When the work is complete, go back to the firm from which you
get the printed matter and show how much more effective you can
make it.
If you perform your service properly you will soon have all the
business your commercial artist, your copywriter, and you can handle.
Any profits that you earn from the work of others will be a legiti-
mate profit in return for your ability to organize and bring together
all the necessary talent and ability with which to perform satisfactory