Pleasing Personality lack that vital factor called earnestness oj purpose,
they will turn people away rather than attract them to you.
How, then, does one build character? The first step in character
building is rigid self-discipline.
In both the second and eighth lessons of this course, you will find
the formula through which you may shape your character after any pat-
tern that you choose. But I repeat it here, as it is based on a principle
that deserves much repetition.
First, think of those people whose characters are made up of the
qualities you wish to build into your own character, and then proceed,
in the manner described in Lesson Two, to take on these qualities,
through the aid of autosuggestion. Create in your Imagination a council
table, and gather your characters around it each night, first having
written out a clear, concise statement of the particular qualities you
wish to assume from each. Then proceed to affirm or suggest to your-
sel£ aloud, that you are developing those desired qualities. As you
do this, close your eyes and see, in your Imagination, the figures seated
around your imaginary table, in that same manner described in Les-
son Two.
Second, through the principles described in Lesson Eight, Self-
Control, focus your thoughts and keep your mind energized with
thoughts of a positive nature. Let the dominating thought of your
mind be a picture of the person that you intend to be: the person
that you are deliberately building, through this process. At least a
dozen times a day, when you have a few minutes to yoursel£ shut
your eyes and direct your thoughts to the figures you have selected
to sit at your imaginary council table. Then feel-with a faith that
knows no limitation-that you are actually growing to resemble in
character those figures of your choice.
Third, find at least one person each day, and more if possible,
in whom you see some good quality that is worthy of praise-and
praise them for it. Remember, however, that this praise must not be