Law of Success (21st Century Edition)

(Joyce) #1


The answer depends entirely on what constitutes your Definite
Chief Aim in life, for an important and relevant fact is any fact that
you can use, without interfering with the rights of others, in the
attainment of that purpose.
All other facts, as far as you are concerned, are superfluous and
of minor importance at most. You can, however, work just as hard
in organizing, classifying, and using unimportant and irrelevant facts as
you can in dealing with their opposites-but you will not accomplish
as much.


Up to this point we have been discussing only one factor of Accurate
Thinking-that which is based on deductive reasoning. Some of you
may now have to think along lines that are not familiar to you, for we
have come to the discussion of thought that does much more than
gather, organize, and combine facts.
Let us call this creative thought. So that you can understand why
it is called creative thought, it is necessary to briefly study the process
of evolution through which the thinking man has been created.
Thinking man has been a long time on the road of evolution
and has traveled a very long way. In the words of Judge T. Troward
in Bible Mystery and Bible Meaning, "Perfected man is the apex of the
Evolutionary Pyramid, and this by a necessary sequence:'
Let us trace the five evolutionary steps through which we believe
life has evolved, beginning with the very lowest:

  1. Mineral Period. Here we find life in its lowest form, lying motion-
    less and inert, a mass of mineral substances with no power to move.

  2. vegetable Period. Here life is in a more active form, with intelligence
    sufficient to gather food, grow, and reproduce, but still unable to
    move from its fixed moorings.

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