Law of Success (21st Century Edition)

(Joyce) #1

  1. Animal Period. Here we find life in a still higher and more intel-
    ligent form, and with the ability to move from place to place.

  2. Human or Thinking Man Period. Here we find life in its highest
    known form-the highest because man can think, and because
    thought is the highest known form of organized energy. In the
    realm of thought, man knows no limitations. He can gather facts
    and assemble them in new and varying combinations. He can also
    create hypotheses and translate them into physical reality through
    thought. He can reason both inductively and deductively.

s. Spiritual. On this plane the lower forms of life described in the
previous four periods converge and become infinitude in nature.
At this point thinking man has unfolded, expanded, and grown
until he has projected his thinking ability into irifinite intelligence.
As yet, thinking man is but an infant in this fifth period, for he
has not learned how to make use of this infinite intelligence
called spirit. Moreover, with a few rare exceptions, man has not
yet recognized thought as the connecting link that gives him access
to the power of infinite intelligence. These exceptions have been
such men as Moses, Solomon, Christ, Plato, Aristotle, Socrates,
Confucius, and a comparatively small number of others. Since their
time we have had many who partly uncovered this great truth, yet
the truth itself is as available now as it was then.

To make use of creative thought, one must work largely on faith,
which is the chief reason why more of us do not indulge in this sort
of thought. The most ignorant of us can think in terms of deductive
reasoning, in connection with issues of a purely physical and material
nature, but to go a step higher and think in terms of infinite intelli-
gence is another matter.
The average person is totally lost the moment they get beyond
that which they can comprehend with the aid of their five physical
senses of seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, and tasting. Infinite intel-

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