ligence works through none of these agencies and we cannot invoke
its aid through any of them.
The only way to use the power of infinite intelligence is through
creative thought.
To make clear the exact manner in which this is done I will refer
to some of the preceding lessons of this course through which you
have been prepared to understand the meaning of creative thought.
In the second lesson, and to some extent in practically every
subsequent lesson up to this one, you have observed the use of the
term autosuggestion-suggestion that you make to yoursel£ We now
come back to that term, because autosuggestion is the way in which
you may register in your subconscious mind a description or plan of
what you wish to create or acquire in physical form. It is a process
you can easily learn to use.
The subconscious mind is the intermediary between the con-
scious thinking mind and infinite intelligence, and you can invoke
the aid of infinite intelligence only through the medium of the
subconscious mind, by giving it clear instructions as to what you
want. Here you become familiar with the psychological reason for
a Definite Chief Aim.
If you have not already seen the importance of creating a Defi-
nite Chief Aim as the object of your life's work, you will undoubtedly
do so before this lesson has been mastered.
Knowing from my own experience how little I understood about
such terms as subconscious mind, autosuggestion, and creative thought,
throughout this course I have described these terms through every
conceivable simile and illustration, with the object of making their
meaning and the method of their application so clear that no student
of this course can possibly fail to understand. This accounts for the
repetition of terms, and at the same time serves as an apology to
those who have already advanced far enough to grasp the meaning
of much that the beginner will not understand at first reading.