the subconscious mind. Here infinite intelligence steps in and develops
the outline of that purpose into a physical form appropriate to the
nature of the purpose.
The part that you must play is clear. You select the picture to
be recorded (your Definite Chief Aim), then you fix your conscious
mind on this purpose with such intensity that it communicates with
the subconscious mind, through autosuggestion, and registers that
picture. You then begin to watch for and to expect manifestations
of physical realization of the subject of that picture.
Bear in mind that you do not sit down and wait, nor do you
go to bed and sleep, with the expectation of awaking to find that
infinite intelligence has showered you with the object of your Defin-
ite Chief Aim. You must work to make it happen, in accordance
with the instructions laid down in Lesson Nine-with full faith and
confidence that natural ways and means for the attainment of the
object of your definite purpose will open to you at the proper time and
in a suitable manner.
The way may not open suddenly, from the first step to the last.
Often it opens only one step at a time. Therefore, when you are
conscious of an opportunity to take the first step, take it without
hesitation. And do the same when the second, and the third, and all
subsequent steps essential for the attainment of the object of your
Definite Chief Aim are manifested to you.
Infinite intelligence will not build you a home and deliver that
home to you, ready to enter, but infinite intelligence will open the
way and provide the necessary means with which you may build your
own house.
Infinite intelligence will not command your bank to place a defi-
nite sum of money in your account, just because you suggested this to
your subconscious mind, but infinite intelligence will open to you the
way in which you may earn or borrow that money and place it in your
account yourself