Law of Success (21st Century Edition)

(Joyce) #1


Infinite intelligence will not throw out the present incumbent
of the White House and make you the president instead. But infinite
intelligence would most likely, under the proper circumstances, influ-
ence you to prepare yourself to fill that position and then help you
to attain it through regular methods of procedure.
Do not rely on miracles for the attainment of the object of your
Definite Chief Aim; rely on the power of infinite intelligence to guide
you, through natural channels and with the aid of natural laws, toward
its attainment. Do not expect infinite intelligence to bring to you the
object of your Definite Chief Aim; instead, expect infinite intelligence
to direct you toward that object.
As a beginner, do not expect infinite intelligence to move quickly
in your behalf. But as you become more adept in the use of the
principle of autosuggestion, and as your faith and understanding
grow, you will see the realization of your Definite Chief Aim and its
translation into physical reality.
You did not walk the first time you tried, but as you matured you
walked without effort. Keep this in mind and you will understand
why you cannot reasonably expect infinite intelligence to circumvent
natural laws and provide you with its full knowledge and power until
you have prepared yourself to use this knowledge and power.
If you want a fair example of what may happen to a person who
suddenly comes into control of power, study some newly rich or some-
one who has inherited a fortune. Money-power in the hands of John
D. Rockefeller is not only in safe hands, but it is also in hands where
it is serving mankind throughout the world, blotting out ignorance,
destroying diseases, and serving in a thousand other ways. But place
Rockefeller's fortune in the hands of a young person who has not yet
finished high school, and you would have another story to tell. I will
have more to say on this subject in Lesson Fourteen.

If you have ever done any farming, you understand that certain prepar-
ations are necessary before a crop can be produced from the ground.
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