You know, of course, that grain will not grow in the woods
-that it requires sunshine and rain for its growth. Likewise, you
understand that the farmer must plow the soil and properly plant the
grain. After this has been done, he then waits for Nature to do her
share of the work, and she does it in due time, without outside help.
This is a perfect simile to illustrate the method through which
one may attain the object of one's Definite Chief Aim. First comes
the preparing of the soil to receive the seed, which is represented by
faith and infinite intelligence and understanding of the principle of
autosuggestion through which the seed of a definite purpose may be
planted. Then comes a period of waiting and working for the realiza-
tion of the object of that purpose. During this period, there must be
continuous, intensified faith, which serves as the sunshine and the rain,
without which the seed would wither and die in the ground. Then
comes realization-harvest time-and a wonderful harvest can be
brought forth.
I am fully aware that much of what I am proposing will not be
understood or believed by the beginner. I remember my own exper-
iences at the start. However, as the evolutionary process carries on
its work-and it will do so; make no mistake about this-all the
principles described in this and all other lessons of this course will
become as familiar to you as did the multiplication table after you had
mastered it. And what is of greater importance still, these principles
will work with the same unvarying certainty as does the principle of
Each lesson has provided you with definite instructions to be
followed. The instructions have been simplified as far as possible, so
anyone can understand them. Nothing has been left to the student
except to follow these instructions and supply the faith in their
soundness-without which they would be useless.
I remind you to familiarize yourself with the four major factors
in this lesson on Accurate Thinking: autosuggestion, the subconscious
mind, creative thought, and infinite intelligence. They are the four