"I talked to her along this line, then read the I03d Psalm and
made a prayer in which I prepared her to get well rather than to enter
eternity. I told her to put her faith in God and to throw her mind and
will against every thought of dying. Then I left, saying, 'I will come
again after the church service, and I will then find you much better:
"This was Sunday morning. I called that afternoon. Her husband
met me with a smile. He said that the moment I had gone, his wife
called him and the boys into the room and said: 'Dr. Rose says that
I am not going to die, that I am going to get well. And I am:
"She did get well. But what did it? Two things: autosuggestion,
superinduced by the suggestion I had given her, and faith on her
part. I came just in the nick of time, and so great was her faith in
me that I was able to inspire faith in herself. It was that faith that
tipped the scales and brought her through the pneumonia. There are
cases of pneumonia, perhaps, that nothing can cure. We all sadly agree
to that. But there are times, as in this case, when the mind, if worked
with in just the right way, will turn the tide. While there is life there
is hope, but hope must rule supreme and do the good that it was
intended to do.
"Here is another remarkable case showing the power of the human
mind when used constructively. A physician asked me to see Mrs.
H--. He said there was nothing organically wrong with her, but
having made up her mind that she could not retain anything in her
stomach, she had quit eating and was slowly starving herself to death.
I went to see her and found also that she had no religious belief. She
had lost her faith in God.
"My first effort was to restore her faith in the Almighty and to
get her to believe that He was with her and would give her power.
Then I told her she could eat anything she wanted. Her confidence in
me was great and my statement impressed her. She began to eat from
that day! She was out of her bed in three days, for the first time in
weeks. She is a normal, healthy, and happy woman today.