"What did it? The same forces as those described in the preced-
ing case: outside suggestion-which she accepted in faith, and applied
through self-suggestion-and inward confidence.
"There are times when the mind is sick and it makes the body
sick. At such times it needs a stronger mind to heal it by giving it
direction and especially by giving it confidence and faith in itself This
is called suggestion. It is transmitting your confidence and power to
another, and with such force as to make the other believe as you wish
and do as you will. It need not be hypnotism. You can get wonderful
results with the patient wide awake and perfectly rational. But they
must believe in you and you must understand the workings of the
mind in order to meet the arguments and questions of the patient.
Each of us can be a healer of this sort and thus help our fellow men.
"It is the duty of every person to read some of the best books
on the forces of the human mind and learn what amazing things the
mind can do to keep people well and happy. We see the terrible things
that wrong thinking does to people, even going to such lengths as to
make them positively insane. It is high time we found out the good
things the mind can do, not only to cure mental disorders, but physical
diseases as well."
As was also noted in earlier lessons, numerous medical professionals have
incorporated the concept of autosuggestion under the term lithe body-mind
connection, " and the belief that the mind can manifest physical changes in the
body has become a part of mainstream medical practice.
In the previous volumes the editors listed the titles of several seminal books
and audiobooks that explain in greater detail the medical applications of the power
of suggestion. If you have yet to read any of the suggested books or listen to
the tapes, we encourage you to do so, and we again offer the fol/owing list:
Visualization by Adelaide 8ry; Ageless Body, Timeless Mind by Deepak Chopra,
M.D.; Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain; Focusing by Eugene Gendlin, PhD.;