You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay; Healing with Body Energy by W. Brugh
Joy, M.D.; Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz, M.D.; Superimmunity by Paul
Pearsall, Ph.D.; Healing Back Pain by John E. Sarno, M.D.; Love, Medicine, and
Miracles by Bernie S. Siegel, M.D.; Getting Well by O. Carl Simonton, M.D.; Eight
Weeks to Optimum Health and Spontaneous Healing by Andrew Weil, M.D.
Napoleon Bonaparte, during his campaign in Egypt, went among
his soldiers who were dying by the hundreds of the bubonic plague.
He touched one of them and lifted a second, to inspire the others not
to be afraid, for the awful disease seemed to spread as much by the
aid of the Imagination as in any other way. The German philosopher
Goethe tells us that he himself went where there was malignant fever
and never contracted it because he put forth his will.
These giants among men knew something that we are slowly
beginning to find out: the power of autosuggestion. We can influence
ourselves by believing we cannot catch a disease or be sick.
Imagination can kill a person, or it can help you rise to heights
of achievement of the most astounding nature, providing it is used
as the basis of Self-Confidence. There are authentic cases on record
of men having actually died because they imagined they were cut by a
knife across the jugular vein, when in reality a piece of ice was used and
water was allowed to drip so they could hear it and imagine their blood
was running out. They had been blindfolded before the experiment
was begun.
The imaginative faculty of the human mind is a marvelous piece
of mental machinery, but it may, and usually does, play tricks on us
unless we keep constantly on guard and control it.
If you allow your Imagination to "expect the worst" it will play
havoc with you. Young medical students not infrequently become
frightened and believe they have every disease in the medical books,
as a result of the lectures and classroom discussions of the various