In this same way, the subconscious mind may be given any other
sort of orders and it will carry them out as readily as it will awaken
you at a given hour. For example, give the command, as you are about
to go to sleep each night, for your subconscious mind to develop Self-
Confidence, Initiative, courage, or any other desired quality, and it will
do your bidding. If the Imagination can create imaginary ills and send
one to bed with those ills, it can also, and just as easily, remove the
cause of those ills.
The mind seems to be a complicated machine, but in reality it is
the nearest thing to perpetual motion that is known. It works auto-
matically when we are asleep; it works both automatically and in
conjunction with the will when we are awake.
The mind is deserving of the minutest possible analysis in this
lesson, because the mind is the energy with which all thinking is done.
To learn how to use Accurate Thinking, one must thoroughly under-
stand the following:
- The mind can be controlled, guided, and directed to creative,
constructive ends. - The mind can also be directed to destructive ends, and it may,
voluntarily, tear down and destroy unless it is carefully controlled
and directed constructively. - The mind has power over every cell of the body, and it can be
made to cause every cell to do its intended work perfectly, or it
may, through neglect or wrong direction, destroy the normal func-
tionary purposes of any or all cells. - All achievement is the result of thought. The physical body is of
secondary importance, and in many instances of no importance
whatsoever except as a place to house the mind.